
Showing posts from June, 2021

Significance of Doctors and Doctor's Day?

  Doctor's Day In India, on Doctor's Day is observed on 1st July to mark  the importance of doctors in our lives, especially in the COVID-19 Pandemic. The date may vary from nation to nation  on the event of commemoration used to mark the day.  In this article, you are going to get more about doctors and their achievements. This article is going to tell you the importance and sacrifices they made in this pandemic time.  India celebrates National Doctors' Day on 1st July every year to honour the birth and death anniversary of great physician and second chief minister of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. This day is marked to show gratitude to all those doctors who have selflessly aided us in our time of need and tirelessly worked for the health of their patients. India's Unforgettable Doctor Dr.  Bidhan Chandra Roy, who was not only a physician himself, but a philanthropist, educationist and social worker, who also served as Chief Minister of West Bengal for 14 years.

The Story of Vaccines

  The whole world is struggling to deal with the spread of COVID-19. You must have seen or read that the Doctors, Scientists, Government and Media, are insisting people to get their vaccine dose. Many groups and organizations are running campaigns for the vaccination. But why are they so much insisting to get vaccine? If not for vaccines, we would be spending half of our lives by fighting many deadly diseases. It is thanks to vaccines that we have eradicated various infectious diseases from the face of the Earth. Vaccination plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy population, it prevents various germs from attacking us and this has prevented millions of deaths.  In this article, we share with you the story of vaccines and vaccination. Why do we vaccinate? We all have been vaccinated at different points of life. But why do we take vaccines. Vaccination helps in protecting us from serious diseases caused by germs. The administration of various vaccines helps our immune system to d

Manifest your Dreams : The Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction :  Definition It is basically a process by which you attract positive or negative vibes with the help of visualization and affirmation in your life. Simply put, the law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the universe, including the law of attraction. The law of attraction is one the powerful laws in this universe. I'm going to explain what is law of attraction and how it really works? Read this article till the end. Belief of Budhha About two thousand of years ago the law of attraction was first thought have been taught to a man by the Buddha. The belief Buddha was that ‘what you have become is what you have thought’. This is a belief that is deeply intrinsic in the Law of Attraction. With the spread of this concept to western culture, also came the term ‘Karma’, it is a belief that is popular t

Yoga is a Gift for the World

Introduction to Yoga Yoga  is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and scince of healthy living. The word ' Yoga ' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. The meaning of 'Yoga' has been defined in various ways in many different Indian philosophical and religious traditions. Such as: According to Maharishi Patanjali, "योगः चित्त-वृत्ति निरो धः" " Yogah Chitt Vritti Nirodhah." Chitta is mind, Vritti is functioning of mind and Nirodha is the control. Yoga is to control the functioning of the mind. In chapter, 2 verse 48 of Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna defines yoga as "समत्वं योग उच्यते" “Samatvam Yog Uchyate” Samatva means balanced state, Uchyate is said to be– Yoga is a balanced state of the body, mind, emotions,  thoughts, intellect and behaviour. We are

The Love of a Father

Happy father's day to all the father's all across the world. Father is a Pillar. What is Father? A father is a person who loves you without telling or expressing his love. A father is someone who stands with you in every situation, who is always there to support you. Fathers, like mothers, are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Father is the pillar of strength and the backbone of the family. He doesn’t share the efforts he puts in to protect his family. All his life, he provided all the necessary requirements needed for his family with unconditional love and support. Unconditional Love. I believe that God gives us the greatest example of a father's love . His love is sacrificial, patient, kind, humble, honest, forgiving, faithful, and selfless. It is constant and unchanging. Those are the things I not only want my life to be about, but I want to make certain my kids know and feel from me. Origin and Significance of Father's Day: Father's

Which is Best for Health : Veg, Non-Veg or Vegan Diet

What is Diet? Diet is the sum of the food consumed by a person. Although humans are omnivores.  Each culture and each person holds some food preferences, this may be due to personal tastes and ethical reasons. But taking a healthy diet is always preferred for a healthy lifestyle. So, in this article we'll know the perspective of Modern Science and Ayurveda. Which diet is best for a healthier lifestyle? Perspective of Modern Science: • According to modern science chicken, mutton, fish and other meat sources are high in protein. Of course the majority of people who eat non-veg for health, eat it because the meat has protein in it. That's due to the fact because animal protein is considered as complete source of protein which contains all the nine essential amino acids. Animal flesh found rich in several minerals and vitamins like VitaminB12, Niacin and Selenium. • According to science a person needs 1 gram of protein per kilograms of body weight but if your goal is to build muscl

Education and Knowledge – the Cheif Wealth of the Students

 A brahmachari, endowed with the education, knowledge and learning is revered even by kings. He is engaged by the rulers as minister or an adviser in order to carry on the work of public administration smoothly and efficiently. Even monetarily, his expertise is well awarded. So a knowledgeable person can also aquire affluence. On the other hand, he who is ignorant and illiterate can earn his living only by virtue of his ability to undertake physical work, which usually doesn't get paid handsomely. Since education can be used as a means to wealth (though that is not the chief purpose of education), it has been rightly said : "The wealth of education is the chief of all wealth." There is well known saying in Sanskrit : " स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते—  A king is revered in his own country, but a learned person is universally revered." It means that learning occupies the highest place in the hierarchy of values or priorities.  Students should realiz

Nurture and Relax your Eyes

The most important sense organ of the body is our eyes. Eyes discern 80 percent of all impressions by means of our sight. With a significant increase of screen time in the past couple of months, taking care of eyes has never been so important. People are facing the problems like: dry eyes,  itchiness,  blurred vision and redness. This article is going to share 4 easy ways to protect your eyes. 1. Eye Protectors: • Nowadays we are surrounded by the gadgets though it is very hard to stay away from screen. For that, a thin film of screen protector can be installed on the device's screen. • Enable blue light filter and dark mode. Enabling blue light filter will protect the eyes from blue light of the devices. 2. Eye Relaxation: After a long session on mobile or laptop can cause dryness and redness. There are some easy ways to get instantly cooling effect: • Put two slices of cucumber on the eyes. Keep it for ten minutes and let the cucumber do its work. Or • Soak cotton in natural rose