The Love of a Father

Happy father's day to all the father's all across the world.

Father is a Pillar.

What is Father? A father is a person who loves you without telling or expressing his love. A father is someone who stands with you in every situation, who is always there to support you.

Fathers, like mothers, are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Father is the pillar of strength and the backbone of the family. He doesn’t share the efforts he puts in to protect his family. All his life, he provided all the necessary requirements needed for his family with unconditional love and support.

Unconditional Love.

I believe that God gives us the greatest example of a father's love. His love is sacrificial, patient, kind, humble, honest, forgiving, faithful, and selfless. It is constant and unchanging. Those are the things I not only want my life to be about, but I want to make certain my kids know and feel from me.

Origin and Significance of Father's Day:

Father's Day was first celebrated in the United States when hundreds of men died in a mining mishap on July 5, 1908, in West Virginia, USA. The daughter of a dedicated reverend, Grace Golden, proposed a Sunday service for all the men who lost their lives in the accident.
A few years later, Sonora Smart Dodd suggested the idea of observing Father's Day in the honour of her father, William Jackson Smart. Dodd's father, who was a civil war veteran, raised her and her five siblings as a single parent. She started promoting Father's Day at a national level after she completed her education.
Father's Day started gaining popularity in the US when President Richard Nixon signed a declaration in the year 1972. And since then, Father's Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June.

Father's Day is celebrated to recognise the unique role of fathers or father figures in our lives. From supporting their children financially, mentally, emotionally and physically, the pivotal role of fathers in everyone's life is priceless. This day is celebrated to acknowledge and appreciate the role of fathers who play a very important role in our families, and in society at large. Children look forward to this day and make their dads feel special with their gestures.

Say this to you Dad:

"I feel happy when you are with me.
You show me many things to do.
You make my life much better.
The best father I know is you.
You have a place of honor deep within my heart,
You have been my super hero dad right from the start."

, I love you very much! Dear Dad, you have always shown me love and care, even in my darkest days. You expressed that you are strict but that is only because you wanted to teach me that not everyone talks politely in this world. You always want me to learn that there is a world with lots of anger and cruelty so I'll have to be strong. Once again, I love you and I feel lucky to be your son/daughter. Since childhood, you have taught me to be a kind human before being a successful person. I haven't told you often enough how much I love you.


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