Nurture and Relax your Eyes

The most important sense organ of the body is our eyes. Eyes discern 80 percent of all impressions by means of our sight. With a significant increase of screen time in the past couple of months, taking care of eyes has never been so important. People are facing the problems like: dry eyes,  itchiness,  blurred vision and redness. This article is going to share 4 easy ways to protect your eyes.

1. Eye Protectors:

• Nowadays we are surrounded by the gadgets though it is very hard to stay away from screen. For that, a thin film of screen protector can be installed on the device's screen.
• Enable blue light filter and dark mode. Enabling blue light filter will protect the eyes from blue light of the devices.

2. Eye Relaxation:

After a long session on mobile or laptop can cause dryness and redness. There are some easy ways to get instantly cooling effect:
• Put two slices of cucumber on the eyes. Keep it for ten minutes and let the cucumber do its work. Or
• Soak cotton in natural rose water and place them on your eyes. Being anti-inflammatory, rose water will give you instant cooling effect. 
• Fill mouth full with water and splash water over the eyes. 
Why to fill mouth with water?
As it is a yogic technique that water in the mouth gives more exposure to eyes for better cleaning.

3. Taking care of Feet:

To get the flowers, we water the roots of the plant just as the roots of the eyes lie in the feet. Ayurveda identifies four major nerves connected to the eyes. If we take proper care of feet, the results will be soothing for the eyes:
• The most effective way is to massage your feet with any cold pressed oil.
• Wash your feet with pumice stone or thoroughly by hand while bathing. 
• Walking barefoot on the grass is beneficial for eye health. Avoid walking on an uneven or hot surface.

4. Best Food for Eyes:

The Major vitamins to keep in diet for healthy eyes are: Vitamin A, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E and folic acid
• Amla/Indian Gooseberry,
•Green Moong Dal,
•Green leafy vegetables,
•Whole eggs,
•Nuts etc.

Following these simple practices can reduce strain and potential problems associated with eyes.

Try to do all four types, If somehow it is not feasible to do all, try to do as many as possible. Each one of these has a power to leave a positive impact.


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