Manifest your Dreams : The Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction : Definition

It is basically a process by which you attract positive or negative vibes with the help of visualization and affirmation in your life.
Simply put, the law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the universe, including the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is one the powerful laws in this universe. I'm going to explain what is law of attraction and how it really works? Read this article till the end.

Belief of Budhha

About two thousand of years ago the law of attraction was first thought have been taught to a man by the Buddha.

The belief Buddha was that ‘what you have become is what you have thought’. This is a belief that is deeply intrinsic in the Law of Attraction.

With the spread of this concept to western culture, also came the term ‘Karma’, it is a belief that is popular throughout numerous societies.

Over the centuries it has been a common understanding amongst many cultures that what you give out to the world (be it anger or happiness, hate or love) is ultimately what can return to your own life in the end.

"Critisize not - It will spoil beauty with your strong magnetism,
Whatever you send out returns in like abundant measure.
Resent not - ever! Love even worse of us, and we will send you back a love thought to blossom later as a rose."

The Power of Subconscious Mind

While sleeping we see dreams related to our memories or something that we want to happen with us, those memories are stored in our subconscious mind. It means your subconscious mind knows that what  you want,  so if you are sleeping then it doesn't mean that your subconscious mind stop working right there. It's work is to take you to your destination no matter whatever you are busy with, imperceptibly your subconscious mind knows your desires and needs.

Basically what you have to do is you have to affirm and visualize, those things and situations you want to achieve so that your subconscious mind will have some idea that what is your next destination.

How to use Law of Attraction effectively?

Everything we as human beings have created on this planet but first it was created in our minds. All that you see, which is human work on this planet, first found expression in the mind, then it got manifested in the outside world. So I think you need to understand that the wonderful things we've done and the horrible ones we've done on this planet both had come first in the human mind.

So if you are concerned as to what we create in this world, it's extremely important that first of all we learn to create positive and right things in our mind. So learning to create our mind the way we want is the basics of creating the world the way we want.

Set your goals and visualize themEvery in the morning remember and visualize your goals and repeat them in your mind. While working for your goals keep in them in your mind.

Always try to look positive aspect of things. It will build you subconscious mind to keep you focused and attract the positivity.

Do Meditation- Mind, which is naturally biased toward negativity. Remember, meditating will not stop your thoughts, but it will show you how fleeting they are. Therefore, it can help you withdraw attention from stressful, negative patterns that your mind has created over time.

Show your Gratitude - Notice good things, take care of your loved ones, appreciate them. Savor, absorb, and really pay attention to those good things. Express your gratitude to yourself, write it down, or thank God for a blessed life.

Exercise - Negative emotions get stored in our bodies on a cellular level. Exercise is one way to release stress and negative energy. It doesn't have to be intense; you can dance, practice yoga, or go for a walk.


  1. Very good n informative.Keep it up.

  2. A solid step towards self reliance.👍

    1. Yes. Just keep hustling 💯 and thank you for the comment.

  3. So true and easiest way to realize your dreams.

  4. Priceless information.. Law of attraction when used mindfully and positively helps us transforming our lives in a positive way.

  5. Glad you have gathered some thoughts in the right direction. May I advise you to read the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.


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