Education and Knowledge – the Cheif Wealth of the Students

 A brahmachari, endowed with the education, knowledge and learning is revered even by kings. He is engaged by the rulers as minister or an adviser in order to carry on the work of public administration smoothly and efficiently. Even monetarily, his expertise is well awarded.

So a knowledgeable person can also aquire affluence. On the other hand, he who is ignorant and illiterate can earn his living only by virtue of his ability to undertake physical work, which usually doesn't get paid handsomely. Since education can be used as a means to wealth (though that is not the chief purpose of education), it has been rightly said : "The wealth of education is the chief of all wealth."

There is well known saying in Sanskrit : "स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते— A king is revered in his own country, but a learned person is universally revered." It means that learning occupies the highest place in the hierarchy of values or priorities. 

Students should realize the importance of learning and make the maximum use of opportunities which come in their way. They should look at the miserable plight of lakhs of unfortunate children, who are deprived of getting education on account of their poverty and not only acquire more and more knowledge themselves but even help others to become literate. 

"Knowledge is one great thing,
Which makes a feeble man strong.
Even the nightingale loses it tongue,
Before the knowledge's sweet song."

In the end, a word about bodily strength as well, it should be recognized that bodily strength plays a vital role in life. While it is true that, one who has intelligence becomes ineffective if it is not adequately supported by physical fitness and stamina. Intelligence is a rough diamond often lying in obscurity. Only hard work can chisel, polish and publish its values to the world at large and hard work is  impossible without a sound health. So a student should aim both at education and health. And if the student acquires these two, wealth is bound to follow.


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