Which is Best for Health : Veg, Non-Veg or Vegan Diet

What is Diet?

Diet is the sum of the food consumed by a person. Although humans are omnivores.  Each culture and each person holds some food preferences, this may be due to personal tastes and ethical reasons. But taking a healthy diet is always preferred for a healthy lifestyle. So, in this article we'll know the perspective of Modern Science and Ayurveda. Which diet is best for a healthier lifestyle?

Perspective of Modern Science:

• According to modern science chicken, mutton, fish and other meat sources are high in protein. Of course the majority of people who eat non-veg for health, eat it because the meat has protein in it. That's due to the fact because animal protein is considered as complete source of protein which contains all the nine essential amino acids. Animal flesh found rich in several minerals and vitamins like VitaminB12, Niacin and Selenium.
• According to science a person needs 1 gram of protein per kilograms of body weight but if your goal is to build muscles then you need 1.5 grams of protein per kilograms of body weight. 
• But the opinion of modern science is not unanimous on this theory and that's the problem. Every then and now reports come up regarding the ill effects of eating meat. Some researches say that red meat causes cancer and white meat is healthier but some researches are also against this theory. Some reports indicate that meat in any form reduces longevity.

In conclusion, modern science's viewpoint keeps on changing. However, the general viewpoint is that lean white meat is safe and rich in protein and minerals.

Perspective of Ayurveda:

• According to Ayurveda, the food should not be consumed as a source of energy for the body but also for the vibration of the mind. When an animal is about to get slaughtered, imagine the emotions that animal feels, that becomes the vibration of the food that we consume and those vibrations reside in our mind. And the vibrations are shown in the form of anger, depression,  jealousy, irritation and insecurity.
• Ayurveda suggests that we should consume food with least amount of violence. Those are fruits and vegetables. 
• Physiologically our teeth resembles like more herbivores. Our digestion tract is longer and intuned with leaf eating animals. Meat gets rotten quickly perhaps that's why carnivores have shorter intestines.
• Moreover the structure of nails, the way of drinking water and vision suggest that it is better to eat plant based.

Humans, who are the most evolved animal on the earth should eat consciously creating the least amount of violence. For optimal physical and mental strength, non-veg should be abstained from. However, the choice rests on the person and it shall bear the consequences. 


There are less than 1 percent vegans in India, who completely abstain animal products like milk, eggs, dairy products and even honey.
• Reason behind the rise of veganism is probably due to the reports that have come in for the torture of animals and adulteration of milk and dairy products.

What about dairy products? 

• Well in India the cows are revered like mothers since long in this culture.
• Ayurveda suggests drinking pure cow milk. The ghee/clarified butter is compared to nectar. 

My Opinion 

A person should eat holistically. The diet just should not benefit your body and mind but it should be conducive to other creatures as well as the environment we are living in. For highest level of physical and mental strength, be vegetarian. If you think being a vegetarian will hinder your fitness goals, then let me tell you that there are many people to show that the best of physical body can also be achieved living on a vegetarian diet. 

If you can't put much efforts, try to keep non-veg food at its minimum, in the end the choice is yours.


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