What are the Super Foods? And which are the best to add in your diet? Super Foods, Benefits and Versatile Uses

 What are Super Foods?

A food becomes super when it has plethora of benefits, versatile uses and suits almost all body types. No I'm not talking about some rare exotic foods but are very own local produce which js easily accessible to us and pocket friendly too. Besides weight loss, these foods will provide you glowing skin, lustrous hair and strong imunity naturally. 
In this article I'm going to share with you 5 superfoods that you should consume so that you can derive maximum out of these super foods. 

Just including them in your diet will have enormous impact on your fitness goals and overall health. 
I make it a point to include them in my diet and I firmly believe you should too.

The world seems to discover a super food every week. Avocados, brocolli, berries, kale, kiwi and the list is endless. However the super food that I'm going to tell about, have stood the real test of time and have been a part of Indian culture for long. 

#5 Super Foods : Banana

Fruits are amazing but if there is first among equals is the banana. 
Banana is:
  • Pocket friendly,
  • Always available,
  • Very Versatile and
  • Highly Nutritious 

Banana is always regarded as special in Indian culture. Banana is packed with all the nutrients that you need for a quick recharge not only physically but mentally too. Banana is a natural prebiotic. It is nature's own stomach soother which always improves your gut health. 

Is Banana not fattening?

No, it's not. Really low in fat and containing plants sterol, which just not cut down fat but also reduces cholesterol. 

According to Ayurveda, banana can be used as both weight gain and weight loss. If banana is consumed on an empty stomach with black pepper on it, it will surely help you to lose weight.  At all other times it will help you to gain healthy weight. 

Did you know?

Banana's skin which we most of us uncaringly throw away is 10 times higher in Calcium. 

Besides this Raw Banana Curry is a staple food in South India, tastes exactly like potatoes and can also be a snack option. Eating your meal in banana leaf gives you extreme benefits and taste. Every time you serve your food in a banana leaf the presence of polyphenol not just up the antioxidants value but also ensures that blood sugar climbs up in a slow and steady rate and it's eco-friendly too. So how versatile was that? Isn't it a super food?

#4 Super Foods : Coconut 

All those people who look down upon coconut just read it carefully. The reason why coconut is bursted in the beginning of any pious work and big project is because we Indians always knew that it gives it gives the body endless physical strength, stamina and a calm mind. 

Coconut is divided by:
  • Healthy Heart,
  • Stomach Friendly,
  • Fat Burning and
  • Energy giving

These are the effects of magical groups  essentials fatty acids called MCTs (a fat similar to found in mother's milk) present in it.

Coconut as a Beverage 

Yes, coconut can also be used a beverage too or an energy drink. Have headache? Then ditch the coffee and drink tender coconut water. 
Cream of tender coconut is a medicine for intestines and especially used for chronic constipation. 

The ripe coconut can be consumed as a snack or can be added in curry to enhance the flavour and heart health. 
Coconut oil is a staple in South India and the surveys show that they have the strongest hearts. Today there are more than 5000 studies which reflect that coconut is the among the healthiest food on the planet and not to forget how versatile it is. 

#3 Super Foods : Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry has been used in Ayurveda and other ancient medicinal practices for over thousands of years. Sanskrit describes it as mother, nurse and immortality due to it's healing capacity. There is reason why Indian Gooseberry, even if it isn't the season of Indian Gooseberry but always the part of Indian diet. 

Indian Gooseberry is hands down the number one immunity booster on this planet. And the number one thing required to achieve any fitness goal is immunity. With Vitamin C equal to 20 oranges. 

It is a medicine for any eye disorders, any reproductive issues, all digestion problems. Is has anti-microbial properties too. This super food must be a part of your diet. Indian Gooseberry is also a powerful anti-aging food, any symptom of aging be it grey hair, hairfall, wrinkles or dull skin, Indian Gooseberry has the power to nourish it back. Indian Gooseberry juice when applied from root to tip with a cotton ball, stops the hairfall and turn premature grey hair to black. 

#2 Super Foods : Almonds 

Almonds are the super food. Almonds has high nutritional value and it is good for skin and hair. As it is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids it is good for brain and heart. Due to rich in Vitamin E, it is highly used in cosmetic industry. 
It is advised to soak 4-5 Almonds in water overnight and consume after peeling them for the maximum absorption of the nutrients. People who are unable to digest Almonds, they should have a teaspoon of almond oil in a glass of warm milk. 

Want a glowing skin?

Apply almond oil regularly on your belly button and massage in and around for a glowing skin. 

#1 Super Foods : Ghee (Clarified Butter)

When butter is boiled, a golden liquid is left behind, this is called Ghee. 
Being a:
  • Goldmine of nutrients,
  • Having therapeutic values,
  • Can be used internally and externally
Ghee is always considered sacred in India. 

Doesn't it increase cholesterol?

No, it doesn't. Having highest smoke point among oils, that's the reason why it is the best medium for cooking and deep frying. Adding Ghee over a dish not only lowers the glycemic index of the dish but also but also helps to absorb the nutrients better. Not just this, if you put a drop of  Ghee in nostrils, all the parts of the body above the collarbone stay nourished. 
Irrespective of your fitness goals, age, gender, you can include 2-4 teaspoons of Ghee in your diet. The list of benefits of eating Ghee is endless.

These are best super food which can be consumed. These all are highly nutritious and pocket friendly. 


  1. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Thanks for your valuable advices.❤️

  2. Benefits of super foods well explained


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