Addiction of Mobiles : How to Overcome Mobile Addiction? Phone Problems, Practical Ways and Solution

 Addiction is a state where you use the thing or substance excessively which can harm you physically or psychologically.

On an average a young adult spends about 4-5 hours on his mobile phones everyday. We have made the mobiles as a part of our body. We get anxious and disturbed if we have forget where did we keep the mobile even for a few minutes. People are mostly seen with their mobile phones in their hands. While having meal, sitting, standing, traveling or even before going to sleep, the most people are busy with their mobile phones. 93% of the people have NOMOPHOBIA (a no phone phobia). Phones were invented to be used but unfortunately they are using us now.

Someone has rightly said that: "Technology is a great servant but a bad master."

Seriously ask yourself. Are you a slave of your phone or it's master?

So in this article I am going to share with you four practical ways to overcome this situation. By implementing these steps you'll overcome the addiction of the mobiles within a few days.

What is the problem with it if I use my mobile for five hours a day?

Let's see the data, I'm sure that you'll be able to relate with it. Many studies prove that the large number of people specially teenagers are getting g depressed, have anxiety issues, have an issue of inferiority complex due to excessive use of social media. It hampers the daily productivity even the posture of most people is getting seriously deformed. It also decreases the presence of mind, memory and brain power. Mobile phones have also take a charge over the sleep quality, eating experience and overall quality of life.

What is the solution?

Shall we stop using our phones? Absolutely not. We just need to start using them in a little more sensible manner. To make that happen here are the four simple and practical steps.

Step 1 : Find an Alternative

The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to find an alternative with a good habit
"Old habits die hard."

Most people use mobile phones first thing in the morning. According to a survey, 69% people pick up their phone within 5 minutes of waking up. Why is it happening? It's simple because we set our alarm on it after turning it off in the morning, we see some notifications popping up and then we end up spending 15-20 minutes on your phone.

So the trick is to replace your phone with an alarm clock. So that when you turn off the alarm of the clock, you'll have no reason to check your phone and now you'll be able to enjoy the tech-free morning.

Phone emits blue light which disturbs sleep so replace it with a book. Keep an interesting book on your bedside and read that instead of using your mobile phone. This will improve your sleep quality in a huge way.

Basically our mind needs some incentive to shun off an existing habit. You just need to be creative and find new hobbies so that you automatically lose interest in your phone.

Step 2 : Create Some Friction

#4 Cool Ways
There are some cool ways by which you can trick your mind to create a friction to use the phone.

  1. First simple way is to start using the greyscale feature of your phone when you don't want to get distracted by it. See we humans have evolved being extremely sensitive to colours. Greyscale feature instantaneously makes the phone way less interesting to use. Moreover, you should know that the apps are designed in such a way to make you get addicted to them. Every time you clock on it, your brain produces feel good hormone and eventually it gets addictive. Greyscale feature is available on both IOS and Android.
  2. Your can also create a friction by keeping a long password to unlock your phone. This will give your mind a push-back when you just try purposelessly to reach out of it.
  3. Another way is to use social media on PC rather than on your mobile phone. This is because your PC isn't always available with you and as a result, the time spent on them will automatically reduce.
  4. I would also suggest to keep your phone switched off when you are doing really important work to get maximum productivity and when you reach out your phone it will remind you why you had switched off at the first place, it works every time.

Step 3 : Cut the Call Backs

More the number of applications you'll have the more number of notifications you'll get and the more options you'll have to get distracted. So you need to cut the call backs.

First turn off the notifications of most your applications. Remember, the notifications are designed to keep you hook to that. You will breathe a huge sigh of relief. Then you should also uninstall unnecessary apps that you've installed. This will help you structure your time according how you want to use the apps than how apps want you to use them.

You can also try being without mobile phones at times, like when you're driving, during meal times, when you go out to play, while buying groceries or during a workout. This will give you a chance to get out of virtual world and enjoy in reality. Don't worry, you won't miss out anything there have been generations before who have lived without mobiles and they have lived pretty well.

Now that you have turned off your notifications, I highly recommend that you block an hour specially for your social media life.

Step 4 : Remind Yourself

Many times we accept a challege and then forget about it in some days so constant reminder are extremely important to get rid of this forever. You should start tracking your usage because what is tracked can easily be managed. There is a function in your which tracks your phone usage, top apps you used and how much time you used them and how many times you unlocked your phone. This can be a wake up call for you. It will also give you the motivation to improve on it. You can actually associate your the weekly progress with a reward.

Many times we pick up our phones without any purpose so you can keep a wallpaper phone that itself is a reminder for you to use the phone only when it's important.

So these were the four steps, practicing which for 20-30 days, you'll be surely to maintain a balance and have a healthier relations with your smartphones.


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