Using the Internet

     The internet opens up a whole world of Information and social networking revenues. Most of you may not be aware that there are certain good practices' to be followed in this virtual world just as one would in the real world. The World Wide Web is infested with impersonators and fraudulent activities. Therefore you need to observe certain online safety rules!

• You are never anonymous on the internet although it might feel that way. Your activities need to conform to rules that are valid for your personal behaviour in your society.
• Deal with strangers on the internet exactly the way you would with a stranger in the real world.
• Be alert and inform your parents if someone or something on the Internet makes you feel uncomfortable.

• Never ever give out personal information. Always consult your parents if you need to fill in details like phone numbers, house address, etc.
• Do not assume that a person you meet on a networking site 'is' what he or she claims to be.
• Do not gossip or stalk others even for fun, respect others' privacy.


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