
Showing posts from July, 2021

What are the Super Foods? And which are the best to add in your diet? Super Foods, Benefits and Versatile Uses

 What are Super Foods? A food becomes super when it has plethora of benefits, versatile uses and suits almost all body types. No I'm not talking about some rare exotic foods but are very own local produce which js easily accessible to us and pocket friendly too. Besides weight loss, these foods will provide you glowing skin, lustrous hair and strong imunity naturally.  In this article I'm going to share with you 5 superfoods that you should consume so that you can derive maximum out of these super foods.  Just including them in your diet will have enormous impact on your fitness goals and overall health.  I make it a point to include them in my diet and I firmly believe you should too. The world seems to discover a super food every week. Avocados, brocolli, berries, kale, kiwi and the list is endless. However the super food that I'm going to tell about, have stood the real test of time and have been a part of Indian culture for long.  #5 Super Foods : Banana Fruits are amaz

How would a Genius approach his Fitness Goals?

 By genius I mean somebody who makes changes which are very easy to implement but have a huge impact. A genius will always focus on low hanging fruits, a genius will never make his fitness journey as a punishment, he will neither compromise on taste nor health. He will workout the way it hits in the most, he will also manage to save money in the process.  Yes all of this is very much possible, all we need to do is to make smart choices and this is what this article is all about. In this article I am going to share with you 4 simple life's hacks which will make your fitness journey a lot more easy and smooth  1. A Genius will eat sweet. We all like to finish our meals with a sweet dish. Isn't it? However we also know that eating sweet daily increases the fat percentage in the body. So does it mean that you should curb the natural urge of eating sweet after every meal. Absolutely not, only an ignorant person will do so whereas a genius will not only eat a sweet dish after every m

What we should do as a Smart Consumer to make our fruits and vegetables free from pesticides?

Fruit and vegetables are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Although, unfortunately, in the modern day, they too have a downside, the pesticides. The residual amount of these chemicals are present on them when you buy them from a grocery store. The sad and shocking part is that even after washing these fruits and vegetables continously for 15 seconds in running tap water doesn't remove these chemicals residue. Eating them without properly removing pesticide residue may lead to food poisoning, diarrhea, hormonal issues, skin and hair problems and even long term deadly diseases of brain, lungs, kidney and cancer. It is a very big issue and in this article I'll share with you the best and practical ways to resolve this issue. Use of Chemicals In the past few decades, the use of pesticides have increased tremendously to meet the need of over-growing population. Almost every crop is treated with pesticides. What and how this is done? So basically there are 3 types of chemical

Why you should wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night?

"Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."                                       -Benjamin Franklin Probably, we all are familiar with this quote of Benjamin Franklin, but is it true? Does sleeping and waking up earlier really work?  These types of questions might rise in your mind when you listen that going to bed and waking up early makes you healthy, wealthy and wise. So in this article, you are going to get all your answers about the sleep,and what role does it play in your life? Good Quality Sleep  As it's important to eat and exercise so taking a good quality sleep is incredibly important for your all-over health too. What is a good quality sleep?  Getting a sound sleep of of 7-9 hours at night and waking up with full of energy is known as a good quality of sleep. The sleep cycle changes as we get older, your body needs less sleep in older age. It is fine to sleep 5-7 in old age. Sleep is an essential part of our life. It recharges and