How would a Genius approach his Fitness Goals?

 By genius I mean somebody who makes changes which are very easy to implement but have a huge impact. A genius will always focus on low hanging fruits, a genius will never make his fitness journey as a punishment, he will neither compromise on taste nor health. He will workout the way it hits in the most, he will also manage to save money in the process. 

Yes all of this is very much possible, all we need to do is to make smart choices and this is what this article is all about. In this article I am going to share with you 4 simple life's hacks which will make your fitness journey a lot more easy and smooth 

1. A Genius will eat sweet.

We all like to finish our meals with a sweet dish. Isn't it? However we also know that eating sweet daily increases the fat percentage in the body. So does it mean that you should curb the natural urge of eating sweet after every meal. Absolutely not, only an ignorant person will do so whereas a genius will not only eat a sweet dish after every meal but will also make sure that it helps him to maintain healthy weight. 

You can add a piece jaggery, which will help you to calm down the urge of eating sweet. Not only it satisfies sweet tooth but also activates the digestive enzymes of the body. Jaggery also cleanses the liver by flushing out the toxins. Apparently from this, jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals that boost your immune system. Since jaggery is naturally hot for the body, it is ideal to be consumed in winters. The darker the jaggery, better it is. Jaggery along with fennel and carom seeds after a meal is an effective way to get rid of all digestive issues. 

2. A Genius will kick off Refined Salt.

Salt is an inevitable part of our diet. It adds taste to our meals. However the salt most of us use on a daily basis isn't only devoid of nutrients but is also chemically refined using heavy metals like aluminum and silicon. 

Our system is not really able to digest this processed salt due to which problems like Hypertension and Water Retention arise. Not just this you will be shocked to know that the so called iodised salt ia not more than marketing mimic. We can get enough iodine from our daily intake of pulses, green leafy vegetables and spices. Moreover the potassium iodine is added in refined salt which is known to decrease sperm count and cause impotency. 

Shall we eat tasteless food?

Of course not, only an ignorant person will do so whereas a genius will neither compromise taste nor health. 
He will simply replace refined salt with rock salt. Because rock salt not only serves the same purpose but is also loaded with numerous micronutrients.

A genius will taste the food.

We enjoy our our food because it is tasty and thanks to our tongue because when we are able to get this pleasure. Once the food passes the mouth, we are unable to to feel it. What I mean to say is that we are able to feel and enjoy the food only when it is in the mouth. 

An ignorant person will eat the way he eats, gulping the food down his throat quickly, whereas a genius will make sure that the food remains in his mouth for the maximum amount of time so that he's able to taste it as much as he can. He will make sure that he is able to extract maximum amount of each morsel. Doing so, he's not only enjoying his food more than anybody else but also making sure that he digests every bit of whatever he is eating. 

Yes, our body is designed in such a way that more than 50% of the food get digested in our mouth. The digestive enzymes present in saliva make sure that the food is mostly digested even before it reaches the stomach. 

If we gulp the food without chewing it properly, the digestive system will have to work harder to digest the food, mostly it is not properly digested. This may lead to loss of energy, indigestion and even chronic health issues in future. It doesn't matter what food you are eating, where you are eating just make sure that you enjoy every morsel of it. This one habit alone can solve most of your health problems. 

4. A genius will soak the food.

Rice, millets, lentils and pulses are staple food. And if you're a vegetarian, it might be your major source of protein, complex carbs and micronutrients. 

But are you getting complete nutrition from these super foods? Probably not, the only way to get complete nutrition from these foods, is by soaking them. 

A normal person does soak chickpeas and kidney beans only because they take time to cook, whereas lentils and rice don't take much time to cook, are rarely soaked. However a genius will ensure that he soaks all types of rice, lentils, pulses and millets before cooking. Even soaking as less as 30 minutes prior helps a lot. 

Soaking the food prior not only decreases the cooking time and enhances the flavour but also removes phytic acid (an anti-nutrient found in grains and legumes which binds important minerals preventing your body from fully absorbing them). 

Daily consumption of phylates leads to minerals deficiency, weak bones and poor digestion. This is one of the reason why people even after eating such nutrients densed food face vitamins deficiency and have to take multivitamins. 

Not soaking the staple food may also the reason why people face bloating after eating pulses. Similarly the nutrition absorption from the five soaked almonds can be equal to one handful of unsoaked almonds. So soaking the nuts will also save your money. Going forward make sure you soak the food because only a genius knows that it is not the food that we eat but the food that we digest really counts.

So these were 4 easy hacks which will make your fitness journey fast, easy and smooth.


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