Is PCOD curable or not? Steps to follow while suffering from PCOD.

   PCOD or Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a disease that manifests in a female body as a result of hormonal imbalance. This causes irregular periods, sometimes overbleeding, facial hair, thinning of scalp and weight gain. Today PCOD has become the leading cause of infertility in women. Even though PCOD is a serious disorder. It can be completely cured or prevented in a few simple steps.

   Modern Science although says that there is no cure known but that's when Ayurveda comes to rescue. So in this article I'm going to share with you a clear road map as to how you can root out this syndrome from its very cause. Are you up for it?

   The first ever case of PCOD was detected in the year 1935 and today there are over 10 million women suffering from it. In India one out of every five women is a PCOD patient. It was rare in the 1940s and rampant in 21st century. Our fast modern lifestyle is to be blamed even doctors agree to it.

   PCOD is a serious disorder but yes it can be cured, provided that you are really serious about making few changes in your lifestyle, else you may spend your life depending on medicines which don't even tap the root cause.

   This brings me to my first point.

Say No To Medicines

   Yes, if you are relying on contraceptive drugs, anti-diabetic drugs or anti-intrusion drugs, which are mostly given to treat this disease then, you are just wasting your time and money. These medicines will only pacify the symptoms for while and don't even tap the root cause. Trying to bring about hormonal balance using medicines may have many side-effects. So if you are really serious about treating this condition then stop depending on such medicines.

   So what to do? Don't worry Ayurvedic texts clearly mention that no matter how serious this condition gets, you can bring about an ideal hormonal balance in your body by just eating the right food.

Your food is your medicine

   First things first you need to stop packaged processed foods for a while and switch to fresh homely food.

   If you can't take this basic step, you shouldn't read this article. And if you believe in yourself nothing is difficult. Next time when you sit to eat, fill half your plate with fresh salad or vegetables, ¼ of that plate with the protein rich food like lentils or cottage cheese and the remaining ¼ part with complex carbohydrates like rice, tortilla or millets. First eat the salad and vegetables and then hop on the cooked food, it's that easy. Make sure to add 1 tsp of clarified butter  in your meal, even it is highly recommended to directly have 1 tsp of clarified butter on an empty stomach while treating PCOD. Furthermore anything fermented like fresh, curd, sprouts is priceless for the ovaries for the abundant supply of B12 additives. Seasonal fruits must be a part of your daily diet, eat them during daytime.

Exercise is Non-negotiable

   If you can't spare minimum 20 minutes for daily exercise then I'm sorry to say that you are not serious about curing your disease. It is must that you begin strength training or doing Yoga as it will make your you strong from inside too. Hold butterfly pose as it is one of the best exercises when treating PCOD, also just five minutes of rapid exhalation can give you amazing results in no time. You can easily do, all these exercises at home within 20 minutes.

Quality Sleep is the Key

   The body of a woman reacts very quickly to hormonal disturbances. Irregular bedtimes, phone calls, TV before going to sleep can make the condition of your hormones worse if they are already a bit off. A peaceful sleep is also crucial for the absorption of minerals which is very important for maintaining proper hormonal balance. So make sure to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. If you are really keen on staying healthy. The best time to sleep is between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

   All the points that we have discussed till now, will automatically help you to cut down down extra fat from your body which means from lower belly area too. And you know that your ovaries are sitting right below it so it will release the much-needed overload on them, and allowing them to function better better.

Avoid Plastic

   If you are suffering from PCOD, you should strictly make it a point to avoid plastic containers, bottles, etc as much as possible. Especially if you take your lunch along make sure it is packed in a stainless steel container and not plastic.

   This is because when plastic comes in contact with the food, it leeches chemicals like Xenoestrongens into it which are similar to the hormone Estrogen, produced by human body and a major hormone for females. Xenoestrongens completely messes up the hormonal balance of the body. So invest in glass containers or stainless steel containers. It will also greatly help you if you stop using nonstick or aluminum cooking utensils and switch to something like clay, brass, or iron pots.

Connection with the Moon

   Coming to the last and probably the most influential point is the connection with the moon. Believe it or not but a woman's body has a very strong connection with the moon. The 28-day cycle of and the 28-day of menstrual cycle is not nearly a coincidence. The hormonal changes of a woman's body are largely governed by the moon.

Did you know?

   As a woman you can balance your hormones just by sitting in the moonlight. No it isn't any superstition, in ancient India, there were many herbs which were charged under the moonlight, so that they can effectively bring about the right balance in the body suffering from PCOD. I would highly recommend you to be in the presence of moon for atleast 15 minutes before going to sleep. The more moonlight you will absorb, the better your hormones will function. You can even keep water in a glass bottle under moonlight for a night and drink it the next morning to reap the benefits of moonlight. Don't take it lightly. Ditch the blue light of your phones and switch to moonlight for your hormones. The results will just amaze you. They day "A disease can only hold a Woman when her rhythm is out of sync with the Moon."

The takeaway is this:

  • Stop depending on medicines to treat PCOD.
  • Your food is your medicine.
  • Ditch the processed foods and switch to balanced homely food.
  • Practice health plate method. Include fermented foods and seasonal fruits.
  • Exercise daily for at least 20 minutes.
  • Sleep and wake ep at the same time every day.
  • Avoid use of plastics as much as possible.
  • Spend at least 15 minutes in moonlight daily.
  • Drink moonlight charged water.

   That's all, if you religiously start following these practices depending on how complicated your situation is at the moment. You will be successfully able to root out PCOD from your body within three to six months. Depending upon your efforts.

   Do you want to live with this curse for life or you want to take  charge and get this out of your system, the choice is yours. 


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