
Showing posts from August, 2021

What do you want to do with your life? The tail end of life.

    Wrapping your mind around your life is pretty hard, because you are up to your neck in it. It's like trying to understand the ocean while learning how to swim. On most days you are busy just keeping your head above water. So it is not easy to figure out what to do with your life and how to spend your time. There are millions of distractions. Your family, friends and romantic partners, boring work, and online classes and meetings. Video games to play and books to read. And there is your couch that somebody needs to lie on. It's easy to get lost. So let us take a step back and look at your life from the outside.    About 54% of the internet users are between the age of 12-25. Which is a pretty good time in the life of most people: The insecurities of the teenage years have begun to recede. Maybe you find yourself in a job or a long term relationship. Maybe you've started a family or working on an advanced degree. Maybe you are not doing any of that and still want to enjoy

Is PCOD curable or not? Steps to follow while suffering from PCOD.

    PCOD or Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a disease that manifests in a female body as a result of hormonal imbalance. This causes irregular periods, sometimes overbleeding, facial hair, thinning of scalp and weight gain. Today PCOD has become the leading cause of infertility in women. Even though PCOD is a serious disorder. It can be completely cured or prevented in a few simple steps.    Modern Science although says that there is no cure known but that's when Ayurveda comes to rescue. So in this article I'm going to share with you a clear road map as to how you can root out this syndrome from its very cause. Are you up for it?    The first ever case of PCOD was detected in the year 1935 and today there are over 10 million women suffering from it. In India one out of every five women is a PCOD patient. It was rare in the 1940s and rampant in 21st century. Our fast modern lifestyle is to be blamed even doctors agree to it.    PCOD is a serious disorder but yes it can be cured,

How humans are overusing a magical material that can cause destruction? Plastic Pollution

    When the God granted King Midas one wish, he wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Midas was delighted. Trees, rocks, buildings all gold. But soon he found in horror that his food turned into gold as well. When he hugged his daughter to soothe his pain, he realized his mistake too late. The richest man in existence was starving, heartbroken and alone.    Humanity got a similar wish granted when humans learned how to turn brown stinky goo into magic - plastic. Cheap, sterile and convenient it changed our lives. But this wonder of technology got a little our of hand. Plastic has saturated our environment. It has invaded the animals we eat and now it's finding its way into our bodies. What is plastic?    For most of our history humans used stuff we found in nature to build the things we needed. But the invention of plastic roughly 100 years ago, completely changed our world.    Plastic is made from polymers - long repeating chains of molecule groups. In nature poly

Is Earth losing its water? Shortage of Water. How can we overcome this problem?

   From space, our planet appears to be more ocean than Earth. But despite the water covering 71% of the planet's surface, more than half of the world's population endures extreme water scarcity for atleast one month a year. And current estimates predict that by 2040s, up to 20 more countries could be experiencing water shortages.     Taken together, these bleak statistics raise a startling question:  Are we running out of clean water?    Well yes and no. At a planetary scale, Earth can't run out of freshwater thanks to the water cycle, a system that continuously produces and recycles water, morphing it from vapor, to liquid, to ice as it circulates around the globe. So this isn't really a question of how much water there is, but of how much of it is accessible to us. 97% of Earth's liquid is saltwater, too loaded with minerals for humans to drink or use in agriculture. Of the remaining 3% of potentially usable fresh water, more than two-thirds is frozen in ice caps

How did the toilets come into being and how was the sewage system of Ancient Times work? Origin of Toilets.

    Toilet is a place where you go before starting your day. But have you ever wondered how the toilets were invented and how our ancestors used to manage their waste?    In this article we are going to discuss that how the toilets were originated and what were the techniques of ancient people of managing their waste. Public Toilets of Ostia    On sunny days, the Roman citizens of Ostia could be found on a long stone bench near the Forum. Friends and neighbors exchanged news and gossip while simultaneously attending to more... urgent business.    These public latrines could sit up to 20 people at a time, draining waste in water conduits below. Today, most cultures consider trips to the restroom to be a more private occasion. But even when going alone, our shared sewage infrastructure is one of the most pivotal inventions in the history of humanity. Sewage system of Mesopotamian and Indus Valley Civilizations    While many ancient religions texts contain instructions for keeping water a

How does Intelligence work? What is Intelligence and where does it begin?

    Humans are proud of a lot of things, from particle accelerators to poetry to Pokémon. All of them made possible because of something humans value extremely highly: Intelligence    We think of intelligence as a trait like height or strength, but when we try to define it, things get fuzzy. In a nutshell, intelligence is a mechanism to solve problems. Especially the problem of staying alive, which involves finding food and shelter. Intelligence is not a single thing; it includes the ability to gather knowledge, to learn, be creative, form strategies or engage in critical thinking. It manifests itself in a huge variety of behaviors. From hardwired or instinct like reactions to different degree of learning, to some sort of awareness. But not all scientists agree where it begins or what even should count as intelligence. To make this even more complicated, intelligence is also connected to consciousness since awareness is helpful or problem-solving.    Intelligence isn't exactly clea

What makes Burj Khalifa a magnificent skyscraper? The Tallest Building

    The Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Towards the bottom of Asia, is a country called the United Arab Emirates. The Burj Khalifa is in the city of Dubai. It's right in the middle of busy downtown. The Era of Skyscrapers    By the end of the 20th century, the race to build the world's tallest skyscraper grinded to a halt. Each new contender was only slightly taller than the one before, and architects were running out of ways to top their previous efforts.    But in 2004 construction began on a new building in Dubai, promising a revolutionary design that would dwarf the competition. In 2009, the 828-metre Burf Khalifa was complete, surpassing the previous record holder by over 60%.    So what innovation allowed for such a huge leap in height?    For most of architectural history, heavy building materials made it difficult for tall buildings to support their own weight. To compensate, taller structures had wider, thicker masonry at the base, making t

What should you use during the COVID-19 outbreak? Soap or Hand Sanitizer?

   Your hands, up close, are anything but smooth. With peaks and valleys, folds and rifts, there are plenty of hiding places for a virus to stick. If you then touch your face, the virus can infect you. But there are two extraordinary simple ways you can keep that from happening: soap and water, and hand sanitizer. So which is better? The Structure of Coronavirus:    The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is one of many viruses whose protective outer surface is made of a lipid bilayer. These lipids are pin shaped molecules whose heads are attracted to water, and tails are repulsed by it. So in water-rich environments, lipids naturally form a shell like this, with the heads outside and the tails inside. Their shared reaction to water makes the lipids stick loosely together-this is called the hydrophobic effect.    This outer structure helps the molecular machinery of the virus break through cellular and hijack our cells. But it has thousands upon thousands of weak points where the right mo

What is 'flying eyes'? Does flying eyes affect eyes? Muscae Volitantes

   Have you ever noticed something swimming in your field of vision? It may look like a tiny worm or a blob, and whenever you try to get a closer look, it disappears, only to reappear as soon as you shift your glance. But don't go rinsing out your eyes!  Eye Floaters    What you are seeing is a common phenomenon known as a floater. The scientific name for these objects is Muscae Volitantes, Latin for "flying eyes," and true to their name, they can be somewhat annoying. But they aren't actually bugs or any kind of external objects at all. Rather, they exist inside your eyeballs. Floaters may seem to be alive, since they move and change shape, but they are not alive.     Floaters are tiny objects that cast shadows on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye. They might be bits of tissue, red blood cells, or clumps of protein. And because they are suspended within the vitreous humor, the gel-like liquid that fills the inside of your eye, floaters dr

Planetary Revolution : Transition of Human Beings and How did humans evolve from generation to generation?

History of Human Era      Imagine someone coming into your kitchen and taking a few tools, a pan and your garbage then bury everything in the woods. After many centuries later, an archeologist is trying to figure out who you were, what was important to you, what video games you played, what you believed in and what informed your decisions? Because you happened to live during a remarkable time in human history.     The planetary revolution, when humanity transitioned becoming a multi-planetary species. In that time our numbers would explode by orders of magnitude. Our technology and standard of living would improve to levels, previous thought impossible and our self conception would change forever. And all the future archeologist has to learn about your junk in the wood.     While we can only hope that this will be someone's problem after centuries later. We have the same problem today, we are trying to reconstruct a revolution that took place many centuries ago. Today only shadows