Protect Yourself from Third Wave

 The Third Wave

First and second wave of covid-19 caused a massive destruction in India. The second one is more vulnerable. India has been hit by a huge second coronavirus' wave. India's surge in cases began around mid-March and increased rapidly reaching a peak of more than 400,000 infections in a single day. Deaths is 24 hours never crossed the number of 1,500 during the first-wave but in the second-wave the numer of fatalities is at its peak.

India failed to plan and manage adequately for the second-wave. Health authorities and experts are now routinely warning people of the possibility of a third-wave. The first and second wave infected all age-groups except children (below 18) but the authorities and experts predicted that the third-wave could be vulnerable for children. However, this is not something that can be predicted. Still it is important to take care of your health because 'Health is wealth.'

Effective ways to protect yourself and others:

It is very important to keep yourself safe from this deadly virus. Here are some tips for protection from the coronavirus. 

Safety Precautions

It is important to take safety precautions because it prevents the spread among people. It is an effective way to break the chain.
● Everyone 2 years and older should wear a clean mask. Try to wear double-masks in public places.
● Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you've been in a public place. 
● Put 6 feet of distance between yourself and others. 
● Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated places.

Get Vaccinated 

The most efficient way to protect yourself from this deadly virus is to get vaccinated. Vaccine could be a barrier for third-wave. More than 20 million vaccine doses administered in India so it is absolutely safe. Vaccine have been made only after they have passed rigorous scientific and regulatory parameters through vaccine trials. Register yourself for the vaccine on (COWIN Portal) and get your first shot.

Diet and Pranayam Exercise 

Having a balanced and nutritious diet is a key factor to keep you secured from all diseases. Have zinc, Vitamin C and K in your diet, which will boost your immunity. Keep yourself immune and don't eat junk. 

Doing Pranayama and breathing exercise like anulom vilom, kapalbhati and deep breathing to strengthen your lungs.

Coronavirus could be more dangerous if not controlled now. The whole world is suffering from it and now it is the time to break the chain of covid-19. Above are some tips to counter the covid-19. Always remember 'Prevention is better than cure.' Your life is in your hands. Take all precautions and stay healthy. Always thank God for a blessed life.


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