Ahimsa Paramo Dharma


     ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma’ is a Sanskrit phrase. Where ‘Ahimsa’ means ‘von-violence’, ‘Paramo’ ‘topmost, and supreme’, and ‘Dharma’ is ‘duty’. The phrase describes that non-violence is the top most duty.


    It is the time where people are becoming angry, and impatient due to their wrong lifestyle and imbalanced diet. The numbers of non-violence incidents are increasing day by day, then it is very important to bring non-violence in our daily life.


·       Mahatmas on Non-Violence

    Mahatma Gandhi was the prominent supporter of ‘Non-Violence’. he used his non-violent technique on behalf of his countrymen in South Africa and India. He described non-violence as a weapon by which you can protest.

     Another leader of non-violence is Mahatma Buddha. Buddhism teaches us non-violence towards others living things is contrary to the teachings of Buddha. Buddha taught us that killing not only causes suffering for the person who is killed but also causes suffering for their family and friends, who have lost their loved ones. It is also the seed of suffering, with bad karmic consequences for the killer.


·       There are many ways to practice non-violence in daily life

1.   Eat a healthy and plant based diet.

2.   Cultivate the seeds of positive and loving thoughts.

3.   Do ‘Pranayams’ and ‘Asanas’ of yoga.

4.   Do meditation.

5.   Do some physical activity, like play sport.

6.   Take a proper sleep of eight-nine hours.


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