Keep Your Worries Away

Keep Your Worries Away

     Since the outbreak of COVID-19, everyday, every hour, and every minute, we are flooded with news regarding deaths due to the deadly virus. Due to the Corona Virus, there are a lot of worries and tensions among people regarding their lives.
     There moreover, are no schools, group entertainments, social gatherings or outings, to keep us engaged. Most of us remain confined to our homes, and we go on worrying about the situation. Does worrying make the situation any better? No, it only makes the situation worse. 
     Remember, worry is, and always will be, a fatal disease. of the heart. Therefore, release the regrets of yesterday, refuse the fears of tomorrow, and receive the peace of today. 
"Every cloud has a silver lining." Read good books, watch inspirational videos, learn new lessons, and develop your skills. Always be engaged.
Be playful, and pray for all, as well.


  1. Absolutely,your blog brings peace and happiness.Kepe up the work which is actually so fantastic and optimistic in approach that helps us to see the brighter side and cherish it.

    1. Thanks a lot for you compliment. It would inspire me to write more.Thanks again

  2. Very well said. Inspiring and motivating. 👏👏👏

  3. Great effort Aman. Congratulations. I deeply appreciate your thoughts. Bless you


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